Lithuania PA

Lithuanian group had a discussion about youth exchange topic. There are no bad or good feelings. To express your emotions is very important. Emotional intelligence helps to distinguish and understand own and other people's emotions and to control them. Young people who are able to recognize and manage emotions have high self-esteem, are more self-confident, adapt to changes faster, learn more successfully and communicate more easily. Also more effectively finds a way out of situations and gets caught in conflicts.

After the meeting the group members were divided into pairs and had a task to make 4 posters.

Mental health of young people in Lithuania

Participants were interested in statistics and facts about youth mental health:

2022 UNICEF research shows that Lithuania ranks 33rd out of 38 countries in terms of the mental health of young people. Only 24 % girls and 44 % boys rate their health very well. Young people suffer many different emotional, psychological and social irritants: they are bullied or bullied others at schools and on Internet, they feel tension and irritability, pressure because of workload at school.

Personal way to express emotions

The second tas was to reflect on own habits and find a photo that demonstrates them favorite way of expressing emotions. It was concluded that the youth center is very attractive place for most of the participants. After discussing everyone's photos, the group did a short presentation:

Itanas&Nojus prepared a slightly different "poster" that will be shown live in Cyprus! 🙂 🙂

Two weeks before going to Cyprus, participants discussed how they would prepare for the intercultural evening and how they would present Lithuania. Shared responsibilities and made a plan.